At the end of September 2017 a container of text, reference and reading books was sent to the Rumphi area in northern Malawi where it arrived two months later.
The contents were destined for schools identified by our main partner Life Concern with whom we began working in 2015, as well as a UK based NGO, Temwa, with whom we first partnered in 2016.
Thirty three schools received donations and a sample of sixteen were recently selected to provide feedback as part of our Monitoring & Evaluation schedule which collects feedback approximately twelve months after books are received. Headteachers, teachers and students are all interviewed to gather diverse viewpoints..
Feedback collected confirmed the books are being well used and that their receipt has led to new initiatives including the establishment of libraries and reading clubs in many of the schools.
There was general agreement from those interviewed that the books had contributed to improved academic performance and the development of a reading culture.
One head teacher stated: "Their English levels have improved and they have developed a spirit of reading that was not previously there"
See the attached full report for more details.