In September a second shipment of books, school uniforms and furniture arrived in Rhumpi, northern Malawi. Collection and distribution was again all arranged by Peter Gondwe, Executive Director of Life Concern. Harnessing local resources, they were fortunate to have the help of local prisoners who unloaded the container while the local hospital provided the transport to get the boxes to the schools and community libraries.
In addition to Life Concern, pallets of books were also received by TEMWA, a Bristol based charity supporting community development in the area and Ella, a small charity which runs educational programmes and youth groups for local children.
There was so much excitement at the receipt of all the items that Peter declared it "Christmas in September!"
After eighteen months feedback on this shipment was received. Representatives from three primary schools, four secondary schools and three libraries were interviewed.
They indicated that the books were still being used regularly and that they had made a postive difference, contributing to improved reading and English skills and an increased interest in learning as demonstrated by increased pass rates.
As a result of this positive feedback a further shipment was sent to Life Concern and TEMWA in 2017.