Books head for earthquake-hit northwest of Tanzania

In partnership with Professor Wen Kilama, School Aid despatched a container of primary and secondary books for 20 schools in northwest Tanzania towards the end of 2016. Packing was already well in hand in September when the area was hit by an earthquake. In Professor Kilama's words: 

"After submitting our application Missenyi was particularly hit hard by a major earthquake whose epicenter was in this area. We shall make sure they [the books] reach the intended beneficiaries as soon as we receive them, and are sure they will contribute immensely to the revival of education in the area."

We are extremely pleased to be able to help with this regeneration, while redoubling our efforts to support the development of schools in a remote area of Tanzania. Many of these schools are new to School Aid, but we are also returning to some, bringing them additional books for their learners.

2nd November 2016